Josy Meier
In October 2023, Josy Meier has taken over the company «go between films GmbH» and is now the sole owner.
1991 Der Kunde ist König
2012 Nebelgrind by Barbara Kulcsar
2008 Heldin der Lüfte by Mike Huber
2006 Flanke ins All by Marie-Louise Bless
2005 Ricordare Anna by Walo Deuber
2004 Lilo & Fredi by Gitta Gsell
2002 Dilemma by Tobias Ineichen
Producer with Luc Schaedler
2021 Loba Loba by Anka Schmid
2018 A Long Way Home by Luc Schaedler
2013 Watermarks by Luc Schaedler
2005 Angry Monk by Luc Schaedler
→ Nebelgrind (2012) – Wikipedia
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